Frequently Asked Questions about AdlandPro Classifieds


Click on the question to view the corresponding answer.  Click the "Back To Top" link below the answer to return here. 

  1. Are ads on your site free?
  2. Where does my ad appear?
  3. How long will my ad stay in your database?
  4. How do I modify my ad?
  5. What are the examples of ads posted at Adlandpro.
  6. How often I can submit my ads and how many?
  7. How many sites did my ad go to?
  8. How to submit an ad to your database.
  9. Why am I being charged in Canadian Dollars? I don't live in Canada.
  10. How can I use the IP address provided in confirmation messages from clicking on my ad on your site.
  11. I've been notified of two responses to an advertisement, but have not been advised as to how I can review the responses.
  12. Why do your statistics have more click thrus for my websites, than my website manager statistics , which have always been 100% accurate?
  13. How do I cancel my Advanced Advertising Package?
  14. How do I cancel my Gold Membership?
  15. What is an Affiliate URL?
  16. Why was my Affiliate URL rejected?
  17. How can I resubmit my Affiliate URL for approval?
  18. What is a renewable ad?
  19. Error In Application '/' message
  20. What URL Are You Asking For?
  21. How Do I Place Your Link On My Website?
  22. What Do You Mean By 6 Keywords?
  23. Server Cannot Fulfill Request - What does this mean?

If Your Question Is Not Listed, Click Here to Go Back To the Contact Form

1. Are ads on your site free?
Our ads are absolutely free.

However, we provide several premium options which can enhance or augment your advertising campaign in addition to our free ads. 

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2. Where does my ad appear?
Your ad appears in the category to which you posted it and is linked to specific location  to which you've decided it to be linked.

Search for your ads by using your URL or keywords. Try it below.

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3. How long will my ad stay in your database?
Your ad can stay indefinitely if it is being renewed on regular basis. In addition if you are a free member, you can place up to 20 ads. Placing any new ads will just remove oldest ads if you exceed the 20 ad limit. If ads are older than 4 weeks they will be removed from our database. Updating your ads on regular basis will ensure that your ads are not deleted.

If you purchase any paid services from Adland Pro your ad will stay indefinitely.

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4. How do I modify my ad?
Log into your account then click on the "Ad Services" tab, then just click Modify button next to the ad you wish to modify.

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5. What are the examples of ads posted at Adlandpro.
Please visit this page which will show you  ads in one of our categories.  Browse ads and visit other sections from this page.

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6. How often I can submit my ads and how many?
You can place unlimited amount of ads if url you are submitting is unique.  You can place up to two ads with the same url. You can purchase one of our premium services and make your ad every 30 minutes renewed and pushed to the top automatically or place it as a sponsor ad for a state/province or entire country. You can also highlight your ads.

There are no limits to frequency of your ads, but since our ads are approved manually if we notice multiple mass submitted ads, they won't be approved.

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7. How many sites did my ad go to?
Your ad goes to one database which is being linked from over '> <%= AdlandPro.affiliate.GetAffiliateNumber() %>  sites of our affiliates. Our affiliates created entry points to our site which look like these examples below.

Our affiliates promote those page since they share revenue from our site.
See here for details about our affiliate program.

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8. How to submit an ad to your database.
Click here to see instructions. Click here to insert free ad.

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9. Why am I being charged in Canadian Dollars? I don't live in Canada.
Adlandpro is a Canadian company and all credit card charges on our end are expressed in Canadian Dollars. This information is provided before the final ordering step and in the email confirming the purchase. The prices on our site are quoted both in US and Canadian Dollars. The amount expressed in Canadian dollars will be automatically converted by the cardholder's credit card company into local currency. In the case of US customers, the amount charged in Canadian Dollars will be approximately the amount which we quote in USD. For customers coming from other countries, the process is the same, we just don't display those prices on our site. Quoted US pricing is a fair indication for all customers regardless of where the country of origin.

If you would like to convert into your local currency, simply access this currency converter .

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11. How can I use the IP address provided in confirmation messages from clicking on my ad on your site.
Although by using sophisticated tools you can determine many things based on the IP address (not the email address though). we provide the IP address for two primary reasons:
  • Sometimes you will see the same ip address appearing in the confirmation messages in short periods of time. This might mean that the same user is clicking and can't connect to your site. Either your server is busy or down, visitor connection is slow, or there are some other network problems. You may want to check if there are any problems on your end.
  • You can verify how the system works by clicking on your own ad on our site which will create such an email address with your IP included. This way you can verify that the system is functioning in real time and nobody is clicking to give you impression that you are receiving traffic.

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12. I've been notified of two responses to an advertisement, but have not been advised as to how I can review the responses.
Responses to your advertisement are email messages sent to you when visitors to our site clicks on the heading of your ad. When this happens, our visitor is redirected to your site. At the same time, a message is being sent to you (if you selected this option) to notify you that a user has visited your site. This option helps you to analyze the effectiveness of your advertising. Those messages act like simple hit counters for your ad when you have no other sophisticated tools to track your responses.  In some cases when the user who clicked on your ad is our registered Adland Pro user, your confirmation email will contain a link to contact this person.

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13. Why do your statistics have more click thrus for my websites, than my website manager statistics , which have always been 100% accurate?
Here are some most obvious reasons.
  • Somebody clicked on our site but your server was down or busy and they didn't wait any longer.
  • Somebody was able to connect to our site but due to connection problems on the way between you and them, click on your link on our site resulted in unresolved domain or DNS error. Your site didn't load.
  • User clicked several times impatiently on our site on your link (each click is a hit recorded) but there was only one visit to your site.
  • Search engine or other spidering software crawled our site, encountered your ad but your stats didn't show it because stats only look for human clicks.

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14. How do I cancel my Advanced Advertising Package?
  • To cancel the Advanced Advertising Package, log into your member's area by entering your username and password.  Then follow the steps below.

    Click on Tools in your Member's Area

    Click on Adv Package on the left of the page

    Click on the Cancel Button on the right side of the page.
  • You will be prompted to confirm your cancellation.  Once you confirm your cancellation, the process is done. 

    Please note: When you cancel your Advanced Advertising Package, because you have paid for the entire month, you will be able to use the services associated with the Advanced Advertising package until what would have been the next renewal date.  At which time, your subscription will be cancelled.  Please remember that unused portions of the month are non-refundable. 

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15. How do I cancel my Gold Membership?
  • To cancel your Gold Membership log into your Member's Area by entering your UserID and Password as usual, then click the "Cancel" button at the bottom left of your Gold Member Panel (red arrow in illustration) below.

  • You will be prompted to confirm your cancellation. 
  • Confirm the cancellation.

    Please note: When you cancel your Gold Membership, because you have paid for the entire month, you will be able to use the services associated with the Gold Membership package until what would have been the next renewal date.  At which time, your subscription will be cancelled.  Please remember that unused portions of the month are non-refundable. 

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16. What is an Affiliate URL?
An Affiliate URL is the URL you provide us which contains a link (The link code is provided by us) back to which diverts traffic from an external website into  The immediate result is that you earn credits which go towards displaying your ad on other Affiliate Sites while providing Adlandpro with more visitors to display your ads to.

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17. Why was my Affiliate URL rejected?
There are any number of reasons why an affiliate URL may not be approved.  Here are the main reasons:
  • Submitting a URL which refers to Adlandpro - The purpose of the program is to divert external traffic into  If you are submitting a URL which refers to then traffic is not coming from outside the site and thus defeats the purpose of the program.
  • Incorrect or Invalid User Linked - Make sure that the code you used refers to YOUR userID.  There is a portion of the code which appears like "?ref=281002"  the portion after "ref=" must be your userID.  If not, this must be changed. 
  • Submitting a non-English Character Set URL - Because the vast majority of our user sites are in English, affiliate sites must be in English or will not be accepted.  We do not have international subsidiaries at this time.  If your site was rejected, make sure the character set is not in a different language. 
  • Page Not Found - This is pretty self explanatory.  The page which you submitted is non-existant and our automated system cannot access it.  Make sure the URL you submit is correct. 
  • Time Outs - Sometimes servers will be down for whatever reason and we understand that this happens from time to time.  When we get this error message on URLs you submit, we try them once more the day after.  If it is still down, we suspect a greater issue is responsible and thus remove the submission from the database. 
  • Link is Banned - There are a lot of websites out there which use simulated clicks to divert traffic to websites.  We watch for these carefully on our Affiliate Links.  Make sure you are not using a site which uses pop-unders, spiders, robots, or any other auto-surfing technology to create activity on your Affiliate URL. 
  • Inappropriate Content - We will not approve any websites which link to, distribute, or is in any way associated with Adult-Related or Pornographic material, pirated software or copyrighted material, Questionable Content, or any subject or theme which may be considered offensive in nature. 

Please ensure that when submitting an affiliate link that the link is visible on the page, the page is accessible (ie: not in a password protected area like a mailbox and such), and your webserver is running.  Please email our support department if you have questions beyond this document.

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18. How Can I Resubmit my Affiliate URL for Approval?
If your web address was rejected by our system and you need to resubmit it after you've made the necessary changes, you can Click Here to resubmit your updated URL for approval.  If you have been approved, then you can change your Affiliate URL in your Affiliate Section under "Profile". 

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19. What is a Renewable Ad?
A Renewable Ad is an ad which takes advantage of our premium Hourly Automatic Renewal service.  This means that each hour, the ad is renewed and placed at the top of the search results once more over ads in a similar category and country.  Free ads do not have this service by default and this option can be selected in your Ad Services panel in your Member's Area.

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20. Error In Application '/' Message
If you encounter the screen that informs you of an "Error in Application ____" there is no need to be alarmed.  The reason you are seeing this screen is that our programmers work "Live" on the website and make changes throughout each business day to provide new functionality, correct errors, and perform maintenance on the system.  This is usually a short-term delay and doesn't last more than a few hours from the time you encounter the message. 

What to do if the message persists:
If the message persists, please inform us of the page you were trying to access, the activity you were trying to perform, and the time of the message.  This will aid us in pinpointing the problem and speed up the process of correcting it. 

21. What URL are you asking for?
Your affiliate link is the web site address of the page on which you have placed your affiliate link?  Once you have placed your affiliate link code onto a page, it is the address of that page which you must submit to our system for approval.  The link is then verified either manually or automatically and provided the link is correct, as it should be if you copied and inserted the code exactly) then you will be approved. 

Please note:  This does not necessarily have to be the website which you are promoting.  It can also be your Community Web Page, your Adlandpro Free Webpage if you signed up for and built one, or any other page on the internet.  The main thing is that your link must be there. 

22. How Do I Place Your Link On My Website?
This is a very common question which does not have a simple answer. 

There are hundreds of types of web builder websites and programs out there that it is impossible for our support team to correctly walk anyone through this process step by step.  This is not something which can be determined easily.  Imagine this example:

A person calls a mechanic and says "Where do I install sparkplugs in my car?" naturally, the answer from the mechanic would be, "What kind of car?" if the mechanic is unfamiliar with the make/model, they cannot tell this person step by step how to put the sparkplugs into their car.

The same is true for placing a link.  It is not difficult but requires some effort to complete.  Here is the best way to go about it:

1) Consult the help files of your program for phrases like "How to insert a link", "Inserting Raw HTML".  If you can find this, you're well on your way. 
2) Contact the support team for the online website builder you are using.  They will be able to show you how to insert a link or RAW HTML.

If all else fails then you can place your link on your Community Webpage.  You can find your link code by clicking here . 



23. What Do You Mean By 6 Keywords?
Keywords are words or short phrases which relate to your product or service.  Think of it this way: "If I were searching for my product or service, what words would I enter into a search engine to find it?"   For example, if you were selling auto parts, you might use words like "Aftermarket" and "Custom Parts" etc. 

You must come up with 6 of these words or phrases. 

23. Server Cannot Fulfill Request - What does this mean?
Once in a while, when our site is busy with submissions, registrations, etc, you will receive this message.  Please try your submission again later.  If after several tries the problem persists, please contact us and let us know.  We'll have a look at it from this end. 
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