Buy Nexgard Spectra Spot-On for Kittens and Small Cats

Date9/18/2023 11:07:16 AM
PriceUSD 42.53
"Buy Nexgard Spectra Spot-On for Kittens and Small Cats 0.8 to 2.4kg 3 Pack Online

NexGard Spectra Spot-On for Cats is a breakthrough all-in-one parasite prevention treatment for cats. This highly efficacious monthly treatment kills external parasites like fleas, paralysis ticks, bush ticks, notoedric mange, and ear mites, as well as internal parasites like heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, lungworms, and tapeworms, including flea tapeworms and cat tapeworms.

Place order directly on call: 1300838787"
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