Why FSSAI Registration is required?

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The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) registration is essential for businesses involved in the food industry to ensure the safety and quality of food products consumed by the public. FSSAI is a regulatory body that governs and monitors the food safety standards in India. Here are key reasons why FSSAI registration is required:

1. **Legal Compliance:** FSSAI registration is a mandatory legal requirement for all food business operators in India. It ensures that businesses adhere to the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, and the regulations set forth by FSSAI.

2. **Consumer Safety:** FSSAI registration plays a crucial role in safeguarding the health and well-being of consumers. It establishes standards for the quality and safety of food products, thereby reducing the risk of contamination, adulteration, and substandard products.

3. **Quality Assurance:** FSSAI sets and enforces food safety standards to maintain the quality of food products. This helps in building consumer trust and confidence in the food products available in the market.

4. **Traceability:** FSSAI registration facilitates traceability of food products, allowing authorities to track the origin, production, and distribution of food items. This traceability is essential in case of any food safety concerns or product recalls.

5. **Market Access:** FSSAI registration is often a prerequisite for businesses to enter the market and sell their food products. It assures consumers and retailers that the products comply with established safety standards.

6. **Promotes Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP):** FSSAI registration encourages food businesses to adopt and adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices, ensuring that food is processed, stored, and handled in a hygienic and safe manner.

7. **Consumer Awareness:** FSSAI registration also contributes to consumer awareness. The FSSAI logo on food products indicates that the product has undergone quality checks and meets the prescribed standards, helping consumers make informed choices.

In summary, FSSAI registration is indispensable for ensuring legal compliance, safeguarding consumer health, maintaining product quality, and promoting transparency in the food industry. It is a crucial step towards creating a safer and more reliable food supply chain in India.
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