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Shaheen Shahe Baghdad Gausul Azam Abdul Qader Jilani Radwiallahu Tayala Anhu is the name of Twirqbar Silsilaye Alia Qaderia. The supremacy of Gause Pak Radiyallahu Taala Anhu over all the saints in this world is universally acknowledged. Ghausul Azam Jilani Radiyallahu Taala Anhu himself said in his Qasida in Gausiya, Wa kullu aliyyin ala qadamion wa inni, ala qadamin nabi badril kamali” means, my feet are on the shoulder of Allah, and the full moon is on my shoulder. Ghause Pak Radiyallahu Taala Anhu's announcement was accepted by all the Auliyas of that time with respect and accepted his superiority. This series introduced by such a small emperor is without a doubt the best tarikba for good reasons. This practice has now spread among believing Muslims all over the world - in the tradition of the Khalifah or spiritual representative of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Thus, a stream of this great rapid reached our country through Chauhar Sharif and Sirikot Sharif of Haripur District, North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan. This is what we call Qaderia Alia in Silsila. Gause Daunra Khwaja Abdur Rahman Chauharvi Rahmatullahi Taala Alaihi of Chauhar Sharif and Zaman Hazratul Allama Syed Ahmad Shah Sirikoti Rahmatullahi Taala Alaihi of Sirikot Sharif are the fortunate spiritual persons who are responsible for representing the great Tawrikbar of Gausul Azam Abdul Qader Jilani Radiyallahu Taala Anhu. God's He has soaked the people of this subcontinent in the stream of this great mercy.