
ZN400 Automatic Block Making Machine Manufacturer

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Date6/6/2024 3:18:37 PM
Apollo Zenith is the new joint venture of Apollo Inffratech with Apollo QGM Zenith. It is spread across more than 42000 sq. mt area and is located near the city of Ahmedabad. This venture provides innovative and high-quality concrete product solutions to India’s rapidly growing building, construction, road, and cities at optimal prices.

Zenith is a German-based, world market leader for Concrete Block machine manufacturer and Paver machine manufacturer established in 1953. It designs world-class products and delivers Concrete Products plants on the highest quality standards plants which are characterized by innovative German Engineering, highly robust, and very competitive.

Over the last six decades, Zenith has been focusing on the research and development of non-pallet block-producing technology, the perseverance paved the off and today Zenith has become the worldwide leader in non-pallet block and paver machine manufacturing.

Zenith is serving customers with non-pallet block and paver machine manufacturing machines across the globe, over the last six decades. The world-recognized Zenith Quality and safety feature ensures low maintenance and uninterrupted process.

In July 2014, Zenith Maschinenfabrik GmbH was acquired by Quan Gong Machinery called QGM and become a member of QGM Group.

ZN400 Automatic Block Making Machine Manufacturer - Apollo Zenith

Machine, a highly versatile piece of equipment designed in Germany and produced in India. Utilizing advanced SIEMENS frequency control technology, the ZN400 is capable of producing a variety of concrete products, including hollow and solid blocks, pavers, kerbstones, and flyash bricks. This machine offers an ideal and cost-effective solution for new businesses starting in the concrete product manufacturing industry.

Apollo Zenith Concrete Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
An Apollo Inffratech Group Company
Ahmedabad-Mehsana State Highway,
Rajpur – 382 715. Dist. – Mehsana,
Gujarat, India.
Phone: +91-9099144644, +91-9099071618
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