
Miracle Acres ~ Orphanage & School

Date9/15/2024 3:46:10 PM
PriceUSD 10.00
Howdy Folks:
I am so tired of people of "Supposed Faith" all around me telling me: "Just Quit Steve! Just Give Up Steve! Go rent a little apartment & get on Government welfare Steve!"
I have dreams. And, like Joseph of Old, I have Never fit into this society because of that fact. I believe that there Must be a Way Forward for not only me & what’s left of my family, but for the Children that I believe God will soon send to me.
I am now 64 years of age. I spend each day doing everything I can. I do a P/T job driving for the Blind School & I mow lawns for a couple of customers & I get on the computer & enter sweepstakes endlessly & I apply for jobs all the time that don’t really exist & I Pray & Pray Day & Night to somehow make enough money to get out of this Evil City full of Liars! I have even written 13 eBooks that nobody buys. And none of it makes even enough to pay endless doctor bills & other debts that have crept upon me from every angle!
I do Not Smoke or Drink & still I look back over my life & my 30+ years now of Desperate sole killing Real poverty since the Mormons Lied about me & ran me out of business & I try every way I can think of to build any kind of happy future & I just go on Praying & Praying & Praying, Day & Night for a Miracle, Direct From God! There has to be a God! Only a God Can break this log jam that my life has become because of Lies told about me! I pray most earnestly that God will touch your heart as you read this desperate plea. Everything I say here is from my heart to you!
I believe in a God, but Not the one that these Rich -Dad Gum- Preachers who run multi-Billion Dollar Corporate Churches preach about! The Reality is that; Money is their God!
I have ONE overall dream that I believe God will help me with! I pray that he will speak to your heart & mind about it! I need to build an Orphanage in an open country area, away from these Evil cites.
My Orphanage, which I call; (Miracle Acres), will be a Place of Beauty & Safety, where I can protect the children that will come to me, from out of this Evil society. I believe that God wants me to build this Orphanage Right Away, because of the lateness of the Hour before his Son returns. And Your help Can Be Crucial!
There may soon be Terrible destruction here in America. Communication may be limited! I believe also that soon Money will become virtually worthless. But while it’s still useful, I Need to get this Job Done! This Dream I have is in fact, a Labor of Love!
I pray that God will touch the hearts of Righteous, Faithful, Prayerful & Humble people everywhere, who will contact me & say; ‘God has told them to help me.’ I will send anyone who contacts me with a small donation a short Overview of my plans for 'Miracle Acres.'
I am looking for people of enduring faith & with a loving & kind heart, who may stumble across this message & wish to help me. I have no cell phone. I am Not on Facebook. But You Can google the [address shown] for me & see the house that I currently live in, (Basement only). I keep the grounds Very Nice!
I only ask that Good people like you think about what you feel a child’s life is worth! Money is only important as to its Use in Getting the Job Done!
*God has promised me this: “That Select Spirits will be given into my care, and they will Rise and bless my name, and call me Father!”
‘Miracle Acres’ will be a ‘Land Based Ark,’ God will send Children to me in his own due time & in his own way. All I ask of you is to help me Build It! Your Kind & Merciful Help is what Can help make ‘Miracle Acres’ a Reality!
Anyone Can reach out to me: Steve Nelson 464 E. 1750 N. (Basement) North Ogden, Utah 84414
*Please send contact information for you & When ‘Miracle Acres’ is well on its way to completion, I will contact you, (if Possible), & arrange for You to come & see what your contribution has made possible! That’s My Promise, on
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