Date | 10/29/2024 2:57:51 PM |
We might face difficulties along our journey yet still, we stand firm and are eager to achieve our dreams. No matter how hard the situation is; we strive to fight to live for a better future. In her novels, there’s a lesson we can learn about history, life, and race with her classic book about life in America during the Great Depression in the 1930s. Evelyn Allen Johnson, an award-winning author based in Los Angeles, CA, shares an eye-opening story where we can understand the tragedy, violence, and love in her novel Pillar of Salt, filled with emotions you have never felt before. She also wrote interesting novels that will capture your heart, such as “A Nurse’s Notes,” “Get The Show on The Road,” and “My Neighbor’s Island”. Her novels are available on Amazon and eBooks.com. Get your copy now! You can contact us at 310-858-5507 or visit our website at evelynallenjohnson.com.