Date | 10/29/2024 3:10:09 PM |
Evelyn Allen Johnson is a profound novelist and American book author based in Los Angeles, CA. She shares her visions and experiences into reality through her elegantly written books that will capture every reader's heart and soul. Her well-written books act as a mirror, reflecting struggles and joys, wins and losses, love and life. It surely will change our perceptions just by reading her books - that includes “Pillar of Salt,” “A Nurse’s Notes,” “Get The Show on the Road,” and “My Neighbor’s Island”, each of her works depicts the essence of hope and resilience. Experience the power of storytelling and insights that will inspire us! For more inquiries reach us at 310-858-5507 or visit our website at evelynallenjohnson.com. Her books are now available on Amazon and ebooks.com.