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 Adland Digest FREE Edition #545
  Tuesday, May 15, 2007

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ATTENTION: Digest Readers
We Want Your Success Stories!

In each issue of future digests, we're going to feature 1 good success story.  While we welcome all success stories, your story about success in the internet business or marketing areas will have the greatest impact on your business. 

Each success story will have a portion of the Digest dedicated to it and a link to the archived story will be available on each issue of the digest for 1 year. 

Below is an example of how the archived story links will be displayed.  

Recent Success Stories
Fred Arlington - 11/10/05
John Wedlake - 10/28/05
Patricia Heart - 10/27/05
Nina Carusoe - 10/22/05


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Professional Communication, Essential Skills

In a professional job interview, most people claim to be "Effective Communicators".  When I interview people I love hearing interviewees say that, because a person who communicates effectively is an asset to any company.  The problem is, by and large people who claim to be capable of communicating effectively have no clear idea of what the term means. 

When I hear the term "Effective Communicator" or something similar and I probe a little further, the results are often disappointing.  I'll ask something like "So, what exactly does effective communication mean to you personally?" or "Give me an example of when you, yourself used effective communication." and it all falls apart from there. 

Keep in mind, there are no clear-cut answers to these questions because "Effective Communication" is a broad term meaning different things to different people.  The core of it though, is that when you communicate something to another person or group of people that your message is understood and you have confirmed that it is understood by the receiving party so that chances of error have been reduced as much as possible. 

For example, one of the practices I personally employed when I was working for a larger corporation with literally dozens of co-workers, supervisors, and clients involved in a project, is that I would follow up every conversation I had which required some form of action with an email confirming what was discussed verbally.  Any miscommunication anywhere could start a chain reaction of errors which would be disastrous to say the least. 

Another example you'll see is when an employee is reprimanded or put on a probationary plan (often called an "action plan").  Immediately afterwards the employee is given a document with a summary of the conversation which he/she has to read and sign agreeing to the plan making sure that the employee is clear on what must be done to improve his/her performance. 

When communication breaks down and a message that should have been relayed or a message that wasn't clear was misunderstood, serious problems can occur.  Millions of dollars lost on a contract for a message not being returned or passed on, a project missing the completion deadline because of a mis-communicated figure, a fellow employee immediately taking offense to a message that wasn't written clearly enough to be interpreted as intended.  All of these are examples of poor communication.

Some points to remember about good business communication:

Be precise and concise - Make sure that the words you choose and the way you phrase your message leaves no doubt in the recipient's mind about what you are trying to say. 

Communicate - One communication error is not communicating at all.  If you're a renegade who likes to work solo or just someone who is too shy to say anything, you'd better start getting used to communicating with team members or you might find your days limited where you work.  Companies are realizing quickly that an employee who doesn't share their thoughts on anything for whatever reason, are a liability. 

Confirm - For important messages or communications, a confirmation is sometimes necessary to prevent problems from arising later on.  If a misunderstanding was to occur, it would be caught here instead of later down the road. 

Anything that you can do to make sure your message is conveyed properly and understood is the core of "Effective Communication". 


Michael Dela Cruz, Adland Digest Editor

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How To Generate Traffic Using Only Free Methods
Copyright 2007 by Inder Saini

Putting up a company would of course require a lot of things, to get straight to the point, you need a capital. To make money requires money as well. But of course, with the versatility the internet offers, there are many ways you could find that could help optimize the potential of your site or business in generating traffic.

While there are ways to jumpstart your traffic flows, many sites don’t have the resources that others have to generate more traffic for your site. Well, you don’t have to spend a cent; all you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site.

How sweet it is to have more traffic for your site without spending a single cent. Now it’s a sure thing that many sites have articles that offer tips and guidelines in how to generate traffic using only free methods. Because it is possible, you don’t need to speed a single cent, it may take time, to say honestly, I’m not going to beat around the bush with you. You get better chances by paying for your advertisements, but at least you get a fighting chance with some of these free methods I’m about to tell you.

Take advantage of online forums and online communities. The great thing about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the certain demographic that you are looking for. You can discuss about lots of things about the niche that you represent or offer. Another great advantage is that you know what you are getting into and you will be prepared.

With online communities and forums you can build a reputation for your company. Show them what you are made of and wow them with your range of expertise about the subject, with that you can build a reputation and build trust with the people in your expertise and knowledge.


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You can also make use of newsletters. Provide people with a catalog of your products and interesting and entertaining articles. If you make it really interesting and entertaining, more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to other people. The more people who signs up for your newsletter, the more people there will be that will go to your site increasing your traffic.

Another great idea is trading links with other sites. You don’t have to spend a cent. All you have to do is reach an agreement with another webmaster. With exchanging links, the efforts both sites do will benefit both sites. Every traffic that goes to the site could potentially click on the link of your site and visit your site as well. This works well especially when both sites feature the same niche.

Write articles that could pique the attention of people that have interest in your product. Try writing articles that will provide tips and guides to other aficionados. Writing articles that provide good service and knowledge to other people would provide the necessary mileage your traffic flow needs.

Many sites offer free submission and posting of your articles. When people find interest in your articles they have a good chance of following the track by finding out where the article originated. Include a link or a brief description of your company with the article and there’s a great probability that they will go to your site.

Write good content for your site. Many search engines track down the keywords and keyword phrases your site uses and how they are used. It is not a requirement that a content should be done by a professional content writer. You could do your on but you have to make content for your site that is entertaining as well as informational. It should provide certain requirements as well as great quality.

Generally, internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for. Search engines in return use keyword searching in aiding their search results. With the right keywords, you could get high rankings in search engine results without the costs.

All of these methods and more will drive more traffic to your site for free. All it takes is a bit of effort and extended man hours. Learn all you can about the methods depicted here and you will soon have a site with a great traffic flow without the usual costs that come with it.



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The Most Powerful Tool A Marketer Can Have
 Copyright 2006 by P.V. Reymond

In the Internet Marketing there are many tools that you can use in order to build your business or increase your income, you can find lot of software, books, videos, but you have to know how to use them.

Before you begin to use them you need to have clear many things, but there is a tool maybe you don't know well, and it is the most powerful tool that we all have, it is the mind.

Nothing can compete with your mind then you have to use it well. With your mind you'll be able to control everything. Did you know that Yoga experts can stop the beats of the heart or to have a surgery without anesthesia? Maybe someone doesn't believe it but it is true and in Internet Marketing is the same, If you are using your mind in the right way you'll get good results and you'll have a high percent to be successful.

In order to achieve your goals you need to be concentrated and have a clear vision of all the way you'll have to travel. You have to create the conditions for a good concentration removing all marginal distractions possible and ignoring others.

It's important to prepare a long term plan and divide it into levels and each level into a step by step process. Once you get level one you go to level two and so on. In all this system your mind plays a fundamental role because there is not software able to build your system, you are the only one that can build it, because you know what you want and where you want to go and this is the point, your mind is your guide it controls the whole process and it's stronger than any other tool you can have.

The essential thing is to maintain an attitude of mental activity, and to avoid anything that will reduce this and make you passive. Thinking and applying systematically will help you to grow, you'll discover the power of your mind. Train your mind.

Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Remember nobody learns from the mistakes of the others, you have to try and believe in you. Such fears should be put at rest. You only have to think, think and think and in this way you'll learn how to act and how to do everything right.

It's obvious that you'll have to face some problems traveling for your road, then your mind will come to help you and you'll find the solution in a short period of time. A powerful mind accomplishes results in the shortest time and with least waste motion.

In order to be successful in Internet Marketing you have to focus your niche and to pay close attention to it. Ask yourself, what am I looking for? Keep it in the background of your mind and search for the answer. Knowing everything about you and about what you want, will help you to develop your business.

Keep your mind free, keep a sharp lookout, at every point, to see that you build into the foundation only those materials and that workmanship which will support a masterly structure.

Everyone has difficulty in the concentration of attention, workers in business and industry, students and even professors, complain of the same difficulty. Attention seems in some way to be at the very core of mental activity.Therefore paying attention to your niche and working only in this direction is crucial.

Using your mind as a tool is the most effective factor to be successful.

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Copyright © 2006 PV Reymond.

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