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 Adland Digest FREE Edition #795
  Thursday, February 17, 201

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Worldwide Holidays or Events for February 2011

1st February
Confederal Agreement Day: Senegal.

2nd February
Groundhog Day.

3rd February
Chinese New Year

Heroes' Day: Mozambique.

San Blas: Paraguay.

4th February
Independence Day: Sri Lanka.

CCM Day: Tanzania.

5th February
Constitution Day: Mexico.

President's Day: Congo.

6th February
Waitangi Day: New Zealand.

7th February
Independence Day: Grenada.

Tet: Vietnam.

8th February
Culture Day: Slovenia.

Revolution Anniversary: Iraq.

Virgen de la Candelaria: Puno, Peru.

Youth Day: Congo.

9th February
Feast of Saint Maron: Lebanon.

10th February
Feast of St. Paul's Shipwreck: Malta.

11th February
Armed Forces Day: Liberia.

Makha Bucha Day: Thailand.

National Foundation Day: Japan.

Youth Day: Cameroon.

12th February
Lincoln's Birthday: United States of America.

Union Day: Myanmar.

14th February
St. Valentine's Day.

15th February
Chinese Spring Festival: Mauritius.

Folklore Day: South Korea.

Revolution Day: Iran.

18th February
Independence Day: Gambia.

General Holiday, Various Provinces: Canada

19th February
National Day: Nepal.

21st February       Presidents' Day: United States of America.

Shaheed Day: Bangladesh.      

Provincial Holiday: Most Canadian Provinces and Territories.

22nd February
Independence Day: Saint Lucia.

Union Day: Egypt.

Washington's Birthday: United States of America.

23rd February
National Day: Brunei.

Republic Day: Guyana.

25th February
National Day: Kuwait.

People Power Day: Philippines.

27th February
Independence Day: Dominican Republic

We try to keep the dates as accurate as possible. Please let us know if there is an omission or incorrect date. Click Here


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Editor's Comments 

Barry Scott -Digest Editor

Keys to Successful Networking

Before the internet, networking was actively meeting and seeing people on a daily basis and this involved the art of conversation, telling the people you met a little bit about yourself, the company you owned or worked for and what you had to offer. If someone could use your services that was great, if not you wanted to leave that person with a good impression in the event they knew or came across someone who could use your services. It was and is a skill that took time to perfect and it would pay off by making good impressions and through legitimate efforts produce sales or leads.

Somewhere, somehow some of these key requirements have disappeared for some networkers on the internet. Social and Business online communities are the most lucrative markets you can be involved with but the majority of marketers treat them like a place to slam their ad with little or no information and hope for any results it produces.

If you are an online marketer or advertiser you should know that content should involve quality and quantity. Involving yourself in any of these communities with quality posts and comments will get people to notice what you have.

Most members in these communities can tell when you are just placing an ad and identify you have no interest in the community other than to advertise. This will produce some results, however, if you take the time to place legitimate posts and comments in your profile page add a picture of yourself and (your product if possible) chances are you will be contacted with questions and this will produce more leads and higher sales conversions.

This kind of effort really takes only a small amount of time but it will bring people to your site, it will result in sales through networking connections and business relationships.

As always and feedback or questions are always welcome, just click on my name below. 

Sincerely, Barry Scott Editor


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Top 10 Tips For Building a Mindset of Success

By Richard Denny
Build a success mindset: top tips Effective goal setters have a mindset that programmes them for success.

Richard shares his Top Ten Tips for building a mindset of success with our readers as follows:

1. Expect the best: build your success attitude with a positive attitude. Expect each day to be wonderful. It's amazing how the interruptions to your enjoyment become fewer and fewer.

2. Make it a habit to be positive: some habits take a while to cultivate and transform into subconscious automatic behaviour. Make it a habit to be positive every day. Avoid negative thoughts - they damage your self image.

3. Use repetition: athletes build muscle by continual repetition. In a similar way, we need to continually send the right messages to the brain. Ten repetitions of a thought will create the foundation on which the skyscraper of positivity will stand.

4. Smile: you will find it so much harder to have negative thoughts when you are smiling.

5. Try not to burden others: despite enormous pain and discomfort or other difficulty, some people remain positive and avoid burdening others with their problems. They demonstrate a success attitude and are a joy to spend time with or chat to on the phone.

6. Plan doing something positive each day: positive actions equal positive results. By planning and doing something constructive each day, you will progress towards your goal. Seeing ourselves progressing motivates us.

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7. Be honest: by being honest with other people and with your self, you will become more self assured and more confident. Honesty with yourself allows you to know where you are and what you believe. Honesty with others enables them to know where you and they stand

8. Discard negative thoughts: when you've taken photographs, you discard those that are out of focus or where badly lit and keep the quality images. Your mind works in the same way - cast out the negative images and replace them with positive ones.

9. Think of problems as challenges: use the word "challenge" rather than "problem." Your mind positively embraces a challenge whereas a problem is a de-motivator. In Chinese, the world "wei -chi" literally translated means "crisis" and "danger." The same characters together also mean opportunity

10. Managing change: during your lifetime and mine, change will be with us. You can view it an s threat or an opportunity but you cannot stop it. Embrace change positive, enthusiastically see what might be and not what was.


About the Author:

Richard Denny is the most inspirational business speaker in the UK. He is probably unique in that his presentations not only motivate, inspire and educate his audiences, but they take away and are able to use highly practical ideas that achieve enhanced performance.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Denny



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Successful Time Management - Top 20 Tips For Business Owners

By Julie McGloin

As a Business Owner, is TIME an issue with you? Are you always behind schedule or late for meetings or appointments? How many trains or planes have you only just made it to? How stressful do you find your day? How stressed are those who work around you because of your TIME issues?

You might want to consider taking the time to conduct a TIME AUDIT to see where you spend your time. The task can be hard going for some (listing everything you do in 15 minute intervals for the week), but the results are worth it. Some Business Owners have been successful in freeing up 24 hours in their week to work ON their business. Others have found one whole month out of the year.

In many cases, business owners are doing tasks that can be delegated, lumped together and in some cases, ignored altogether. There are ways you can take control of your day and below are 20 tips to make sure you manage your time / activities successfully.

1. Firstly, we all have the same 86,400 seconds every day. You can't manage "TIME" but you can manage your ACTIVITY.

2. Have daily To-Do lists for things you know how "To Do".

3. Have a Goals list to discover & complete things you don't know how to do.

4. Set clear Goals and objectives (using the SMART Principle):

S is for Specific

M is for Measurable

A is for Achievable

R is for Results-focused

T is for Time-scaled

5. Set aside Time to come up with Ideas, using the TRAP principle:

T - is for un-interrupted Time to come up with the ideas

R - is for Record. Write them down

A - is for Assess. Keep the great ideas that excite you

P - is for Plan. Write down all the Steps needed to make them happen

6. Prioritize all tasks and activities.

7. Work on "Important" items before they become "Urgent".

8. Get all relevant information and then make decisions. Be decisive!

9. Do things NOW that will provide the highest value to your time.

10. Use the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) to focus on your priorities.

11. Be in the "Present". Focus on one important task at a time.

12. "Eat that Frog" (do the hardest task of the day first).

13. Invest Time in Learning - replace "TV" time with Personal Development and Business Development time.

14. Develop great habits (21 times) so they happen without thinking.

15. Streamline your activity to be highly efficient and effective.

16. Use a quarterly plan to keep current on your goals.

17. Always ask "What am I doing? What works? What doesn't work?" Do more of what works and less of what doesn't.

18. Set World Class Life Goals. Major on the major, not on the minor.

19. Be focused - ignore interruptions and have set times for emails, meetings, things that crop up, etc.

20. Create A Success Diary - The weekly Timetable for your Business to get the important things DONE.

Following these "Tips" will get you focused on the important goals in your life and business. Take the time to make a difference.

About the Author:

I'm American born and living in England with my soul mate, English husband. We work together in our successful Business Coaching company. Based in the rural South West, I enjoy roaming the countryside with my faithful Leonberger companions, playing piano, cooking, personal and business development and spending time with friends and family.
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