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James Wright

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Re: In Honor of the Late King of Pop...
7/1/2009 10:59:22 AM

Hi Joyce, what an honor to see you here. I know you've been busy with your new traffic exchange. How's it going?

I'm discovering songs that Michael Jackson sang when he was young that I've never heard before. This is pretty cool. Just sad it's under the situation it is.

James Wright

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Re: In Honor of the Late King of Pop...
7/4/2009 4:02:24 PM

This is kindof funny...pardon the language.

Hitler Finds Out Jackson has Died

James Wright

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Re: In Honor of the Late King of Pop...
7/4/2009 4:52:29 PM


Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: In Honor of the Late King of Pop...
7/4/2009 5:19:07 PM


I agree with Kathleen.


Although quite young, the feeling he puts into the song is, I think, more than Any other of his songs.

I am sad, like many around the world, that Michael has gone. I am not sure what else he could have brought us? He was a genius, but like many before him, this seems to have put him aside from reality. His powers of imagination were huge, but I'm convcinced that it was his undoing.

I am not mourning in the same way as most others.

I saw Michael Jackson as somebody through whom many could learn many things.

I am happy that he is with his maker now and I pray for his soul and for all associated with him.


James Wright

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Re: In Honor of the Late King of Pop...
7/12/2009 2:38:37 PM

Hi Roger, thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts on Michael Jackson. Unfortunately, I believe he got caught up in pain killers as a way to escape the realities of life, as did Elvis. Michael put everything he had into his performances and it showed. Bless his soul.

I just returned from a weeks tour in Trinidad again. They about killed me there. I flew close to 10 hours every day during a period of 16 hours of duty. Each day when I was done I was exhausted.
