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Vol. 3 issue #356 May 20, 2012



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Low Cost Marketing - 8 Great Ways To Market Your Business

By Mike G Jennings  

As business owners we all know we need to continuously market our business. The problem is that marketing is really expensive.



Marketing doesn't have to be expensive. There are loads of ways you can market your business and generate continuous streams of leads and business without spending much money.

Stay In Touch
We all need to keep our business top of our customers' mind and to demonstrate that we care so that when the customer is looking to place an order we are the obvious option.

There are all sorts of reasons for you to contact your customers. Here are just a few:

· To communicate special offers and new products

· To thank them for an order

· To tell them about developments in your company

· To offer them hospitality


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Tuesday, November 27, 2007



Referral Marketing
Referrals or word of mouth is the number one way that most small companies generate business. But most referrals are entirely chance.

You need to make referrals a planned part of your marketing strategy.

There are many ways to generate referrals, here are the two most simple and most effective.

Just Ask

If just after you've done a great piece of work, you simply ask for a referral, the chances are your customer will give you a number of names. If you can get the customer to call the contacts to introduce you, so much the better.

Give To Get

If you give someone a referral, they will then feel indebted to you and look to reciprocate. The more referrals you give the more you will get.

Public Speaking
Public speaking, whether to 10 or 1000 people is a fantastic way to generate new business. Your subject matter shouldn't be an overt sales pitch. Instead you should speak about a subject which is of general interest to your audience.

Basically it is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your expertise and also to communicate your personality as well.

If you get the opportunity to speak in public, grab it with both hands.

Write Articles
The fact is if you are published in the media, you will be perceived as an expert. And if you're an expert then some of the readership may want to do business with you. Simple

So what do you write about?

Again you need to find a subject on which you are an expert and which will be of interest to the readers of that publication.

Once you've decided on your subject matter you simply phone up the editor of the relevant publication and sell him the concept. If you write reasonably well, there's a good chance that your piece will go in verbatim. With luck you should get a picture of yourself included along with your contact details and website address.


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Trojan Horse
If you're not familiar with this expression, it is marketing speak for something that you give away for free and as we all know FREE is the most powerful word in marketing. Free gains attention and can influence customers' actions.

Once you've identified what you can give away for free, you have a hook which you can hang your marketing on.

You can use your free item on your website, in your direct marketing, your email marketing, social media, flyers etc.

Email Marketing
The great thing about email marketing is that you can reach potentially thousands of people at the touch of a button. The not so great thing about it is that your recipients can delete it, unread, at the touch of a different button.

So make sure that you are emailing to a warm list - your customers and prospects and people who have indicated that they are keen to receive your communications.

You also have to make sure that your subject line is interesting and intriguing enough to encourage people to open the email.

So how often should you email your list? The answer is as often as you can give them something of value. If that is once per week, that's great. However once per year is too often if you're sending out boring rubbish.

Social Media
Social media is currently very much flavour of the month. If you listen to certain areas of the media you will feel if you're not tweeting every couple of minutes, your business will collapse.

The fact is it won't but the other fact is that Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc provide platforms which allow you to communicate with almost limitless numbers of people.

Put like that you can see the potential benefit.


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Social media is just like every day life. It will only work for you once you've built relationships with people. If you just go out in sales mode then it won't work. However if you start interacting with other people, demonstrating your expertise at the same time as building relationships, then you may be surprised at the response

Sales Skills
We all know how difficult it is to get in front of our prospects so when we do manage it we want to close as many deals as we can. To do that we need to have good sales skills.

But when you work for yourself how can you develop those skills?

The answer is to read books on the subject. There are loads out there.

Your objective is wherever possible to take control of the process and move your prospect ever closer to the sale.

The kind of thing I'm talking about is when you get the following buying signals.

Do you do it in blue?

Do you have it in stock?

Can you deliver on Thursday?

Most people would be happy to answer yes to all these questions. But that doesn't take you any closer to the sale.

However if you respond in the following way:

Do you particularly want it in blue?

Do you need immediate delivery?

Do you want it to be delivered on Thursday?

By answering in this way you have taken control of the situation and moved the sale significantly closer.

So get good at sales and convert more of those opportunities.




Mike Jennings runs Business Development Advisors - a marketing consultancy based near Guildford in England. BDA does companies' marketing for them in order to grow the business and win new customers. Please find more information at http://www.bda.me.uk

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