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Palo Alto
Contact Us - VoiceplugContact Us - Voiceplug
City:Palo Alto, California, United States United States
Category:Services (IT)
Date:8/20/2024 1:19:44 PM (171 days ago)
Description:Bring food ordering into the future with voice AI for phone orders and drive-thru restaurants. Contact us immediately to get started!
PizzaVOICE - VoicePlugPizzaVOICE - VoicePlug
City:Palo Alto, California, United States United States
Category:Services (IT)
Date:8/7/2024 11:34:15 AM (184 days ago)
Description:PizzaVOICE is an AI program designed primarily for pizzeria shops. It guarantees accuracy and efficiency in addressing each request, ranging from personalized orders such as Half and Half pizzas to...
Computer and Network SecurityComputer and Network Security
City:Palo Alto, California, United States United States
Category:Services (IT)
Date:12/20/2023 3:07:03 PM (415 days ago)
Description:Dazz refers to a cutting-edge security framework or technology that complements the Secure SDLC. Dazz introduces advanced security measures, possibly incorporating elements such as dynamic analysis...
City:Palo Alto, California, United States United States
Category:Services (IT)
Date:1/5/2024 5:19:00 AM (400 days ago)
Description:Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms offer seamless security for modern cloud applications. With real-time monitoring, threat detection, and adaptive policies, CNAPP ensures robust protect...
Printer Repair in Santa Clara CAPrinter Repair in Santa Clara CA
City:Palo Alto, California, United States United States
Category:Services (IT)
Date:2/27/2024 12:58:14 PM (346 days ago)
Description:Elevate your printing experience with Printer Plotter Pro in Santa Clara, CA. Specializing in printer repair, our team offers timely and effective solutions for all your printing needs.AddressPrint...
AI Solutions - VoicePlugAI Solutions - VoicePlug
City:Palo Alto, California, United States United States
Category:Services (IT)
Date:7/12/2024 5:26:50 AM (211 days ago)
Description:Enhance your food ordering experience with Voiceplug AI, the customized AI-powered voice assistant meticulously designed to meet the restaurant industry’s unique challenges.
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