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Hand Sanitizer DonatedHand Sanitizer Donated
City:San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States United States
Category:Services (Other)
Date:9/3/2024 4:45:07 AM (16 days ago)
Description:Our initiative- hand sanitizer donated is a part of our Beneficial Reuse Program, and we facilitate the donation of surplus sanitizer to organizations in need.
Best Way To Dispose Of Hand SanitizerBest Way To Dispose Of Hand Sanitizer
City:San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States United States
Category:Services (Other)
Date:7/5/2024 5:15:44 AM (76 days ago)
Description:Want to discover best way to dispose of hand sanitizer to minimize environmental impact? Explore Happen Ventures' innovation for promoting a cleaner future.
Hand Sanitizer ExpireHand Sanitizer Expire
City:San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States United States
Category:Services (Other)
Date:4/16/2024 6:48:39 AM (155 days ago)
Description:As we focus more on keeping our hands clean, it's vital to know if the hand sanitizer we have is still safe. Explore whether hand sanitizer expire or not.
Expired Hand SanitizerExpired Hand Sanitizer
City:San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States United States
Category:Services (Other)
Date:5/22/2024 8:36:23 AM (119 days ago)
Description:By responsibly disposing of expired hand sanitizer, we reduce environmental risks and avoid the financial burdens associated with hazardous waste disposal.
Cheaper Way to Dispose of Hand SanitizerCheaper Way to Dispose of Hand Sanitizer
City:San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States United States
Category:Services (Other)
Date:6/6/2024 6:32:53 AM (104 days ago)
Description:Discover efficient plans for bulk hand sanitizer disposal with Happen Ventures' case studies & get expert guidance on cheaper way to dispose of hand sanitizer.
Less Expensive Way to Dispose of Hand SanitizerLess Expensive Way to Dispose of Hand Sanitizer
City:San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States United States
Category:Services (Other)
Date:6/24/2024 5:20:47 AM (87 days ago)
Description:Want to know about a less expensive way to dispose of hand sanitizer? Explore Happen Ventures' innovation for promoting a cleaner future in affordable ways.
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