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Nick Sym

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Re: Was 9/11 a Conspiracy?
9/11/2007 6:17:51 PM The Children of 9/11
It was the day that changed our nation when 3,020 people never came home. Thousands and thousands of children were left
behind. Now, we pay tribute to the children of 9/11 who lost a parent six years ago. They share their stories and memories of those lost and how they are rebuilding their lives.
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Robin McLean

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Re: Was 9/11 a Conspiracy?
9/11/2007 7:43:15 PM
Hi, James, Just wanted to give a tip to anyone interested in knowing the un-edited truth. If you haven't seen the independent film "Fahrenheit 911"(2004), by Michael Moore, then you should. I assure you it will clear up any questions you may have as to what really led up to those devastating moments in American history, and the ones responsible (overseas & here at home). There's nothing like seeing interviews, actual film footage, and flight manifestos... up close & with your own eyes. (Did you know that while all flights were grounded - there was a flight allowed to leave the country... and the passengers all had the same last name -- "bin Laden"?) This is a "must see" for anyone who wants the truth. As for those that aren't ready... I understand. Hugs, Robin
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James Wright

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Re: Was 9/11 a Conspiracy?
9/11/2007 8:00:49 PM

Nick, thanks for sharing that link. I'll be over there in a minute!!

James Wright

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Re: Was 9/11 a Conspiracy?
9/11/2007 8:03:01 PM

Hi Robin, I did see Fahrenheit 911 when it first came out. It was definitely an eye opener. Thanks for sharing!!

Jenny SJ

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Re: Was 9/11 a Conspiracy?
9/12/2007 3:49:26 AM
Hi James

I hesitated to post on this forum as I am not American and I am aware that, when  a European   holds an opinion on this subject, this offends some people.

However, after watching some of the videos, I felt compelled to reply.  If just one tenth of the information - especially the scientific information - is true - we are looking at one of the most shameful betrayals of a nation (in this case the American people) by their goverment in history.

It was interesting that after the Fahrenheit 9/11 came out - they were not sued for libel.  I am aware that there has been a partially successful attempt to discredit Maichel Moore,  but nothing more.  However, I would disagree with the Director that Bush is an idiot - I think he is a very astute man who knows exactly what he is doing.

My heart goes out to the families of the victims who lost their their lives on the 11th September.
