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James Wright

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Re: Was 9/11 a Conspiracy?
9/12/2007 8:54:03 AM

Hi Jenny, I appreciate the fact you were strong enough to make a post!! I was amazed at what I saw on those videos, and as you will notice, these have all come out this year on Youtube. I looked at several of those videos several times, just trying to soak it all in, and you are right, if the government betrayed it's countrymen like they are insinuating, this land is not the land of of the free and home of the brave anymore. We have lost everything we came to this country for. Furthermore, I don't like the way this country is chasing after oil and using disguises for gouging people the way they are and getting away with it.

Please come back again Jenny!!!

Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Was 9/11 a Conspiracy?
9/12/2007 1:20:21 PM

Did you ever see this?



James Wright

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Re: Was 9/11 a Conspiracy?
9/12/2007 4:31:38 PM

Hi Myrna, looks like I've got some reading to do!! Thanks for sharing. I had not seen it.

Re: Was 9/11 a Conspiracy?
9/12/2007 10:21:54 PM
Hi, James!

As a former photographer, all I have to say is that you'd be surprised at what an expert - or even an amateur - can do to edit a photo negative or a video ... especially if it's "grainy" in the first place.  The only way I would trust a video is if I taped it myself and the videotape never left my possession.

In Mexico they say, " One button is proof enough."  I don't know about the other videos, but I took a VERY close look at your "Flight 93 Landed in Cleveland."  And you, as a pilot, should know that an airliner needs almost the entire length of a  runway in order to land.  Your "Flight 93" landed in about the length of a football field.  Watch it again.  And if that video is supposed to be a computer animation, funny no one mentions it!

And when buildings are imploded, explosives have to be detonated milliseconds apart from each other ... not 10 or 15 minutes apart ... and not 3 or 4 stories apart.

The Bush administration has been plagued by "leaks" since "G-Dubya" took office ... and it appears that no one seems to know who the "leakers" are!  Why hasn't ANYONE in the Bush administration "leaked" that this conspiracy did, in fact, occur?

If you can't trust your own government, who CAN you trust.  If you prefer to put your trust in liberal Democrats and radical Muslims or Muslim extremists, be my guest.  I'll take G-Dubya" any day of the year.  I like to wear a hat once in a while ... and I'd like to keep that part of the body where my hat belongs, thank you.

God Bless America ... the greatest nation on the face of God's green earth!  And it's a real pity that far too many are born, live, and die here ... and never come to realize that fact.

America ... love it or LEAVE it ... PLEASE!

Thank You!

Jenny SJ

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Re: Was 9/11 a Conspiracy?
9/13/2007 10:09:32 AM
Hi Jim,

My reluctance to post is because when a non american writes anything about the States, we are usually accused of being anti american.  In my case, this is far from the truth. 

I have grown up with americans - you are just people from another country as far as I can see.  We all think our country is the only one.  There are plenty of people here in Spain and England  that forget there is a world outside too. lol

I was a youngster when the Vietnam was in progress and knew many people who had been called up and had to fight and those who missed the draft.  When the Iraq was was declared by the Bush Government is was met with an outcry in Spain - in spite of the support by our then Goverment. 

I will never understand why an american is a  a patriot and loves his country, is considered in some circles as anti american if they disagree with the policiies of the elected government in power at the time.

"America ... love it or LEAVE it ... PLEASE" 

What does that mean?  The present Goverment was the result of democratic elections - voted in by american, some of whom  also voted for an opposition party - just under half the americans in the United States in fact.   Does this mean that half the population should leave the United States. 

The inability to ask questions and to question decision or facts is a more usually a symptom of a dictatorship (as Spain was until very recently) or a very bad scam on the internet.!

There is a lot of valuable information still to come to the surface.  But up to now things are not squaring up - there appeares to be a lot of information that was supressed and is being surpressed. 

The issue of national security in the States is a new one. Most countries in the rest  of the world have always been the subject to attacks from other countries and do not have the draconian measures in force that the present US Goverment is implementing to restrict the access to information.   Let us not forget that there is no war on American soil.

The 9/11 attacks were followed on by the 3/11 attacks on the Madrid railway system with many many lives lost in the carnage.  We did not implement the same kind of measures - although they would have been justified if we had used the same criteria as the United States.but we didnt.    We entered the war in Iraq with the Americans and have a large moslem minrirty - but they were left in peace and paranoia was not permitted to take hold.   We in fact chucked out that Goverment BECAUSE the electorate considered that they had been lying to the electorate.

Supression of information to the public has historically been a feature of goverments world wide - but when it occurs in modern times by what is a democraticaly elected goverment - then it becomes alarming.

I hope that people will continue in their serach for the truth and will not be stopped by people who accuse them of being anti american.  If there is nothing to hide - then nothing will be found.  And if there is - then the American people have the right to know.

